If I can get diagrams or links i would gladly appreciate it.Changing Generator to Alternator?
You can't charge a DC battery with AC. You have to convert(rectify) the AC to make DC, which charges the battery.
If your car isn't charging while idling, you need a different(better) alternator, or something else is going on. Somewhere(maybe in the alternator itself) you will have a rectification circuit which takes your AC and converts it to DC. Maybe one of the diodes is bad, making for a serious losses in energy in your DC circuit.
At any rate, if your car isn't charging sufficiently as-is, you're not going to get better performance by converting a faulty DC level back to AC, rectify it AGAIN and then charge your battery with it. You just introduced more losses by converting it AGAIN.Changing Generator to Alternator?
my dear realtor:
in the houses is a lot better ac than dc.
not in cars ,my dear.Changing Generator to Alternator?
The most common method is to install an one wire GM internal reg. alternator.
You can get one wire kits at auto parts stores to convert a regular 3 wire GM internal reg. alternator. ( 70s - 80s vintage stuff from any GM car engine )Changing Generator to Alternator?
of course, the bigger question is WHY.
An alternator will produce AC current, but every single auto accessory known to man runs on DC.
Unless you plan to bring your household appliances into the back seat to plug in?
You can change the generator to an alternator, but meantime your distributor, brake lights, etc. all need DC so that Alternator usually has a built in converter to change it all back to DC anyway.
So... back to my original question.... why? If you need AC power for some reason, why not simply purchase an inverter and wire that into your system?
.Changing Generator to Alternator?
contack these peep they will hae everything you need.
good luck