it's a right pain to do. most cases you have to remove the headlight, and sometimes the bumper has to be removed also. some of the bolts are in almost impossible to get at places, typical of ford. it may be better to go to a garage if you are short of time. sorry couldn't be of more help.How easy is it to change alternator on 03 plate ford ka, looks a nightmare?
ha ha not much room is thier ... no prob with little hands ...
should take you about 45mins .. you need wobbley sockets to get in behind the case'n .. if you have none get some or leave it .. you need 10mm spanner 13mm spanner and 13mm wobbley socket ...How easy is it to change alternator on 03 plate ford ka, looks a nightmare?
Its a nightmare, headlamp out think you have to move the bumper as well, we have done 1 in work took one of the fitters forever to change the alt